Gender Impact Assessments Master Class

Kerry Wilson - Gender Equity & Physical Activity Specialist~ ~CoFounder Put Her Name on It Campaign

Kerry Wilson is our master class facilitator and we’re thrilled to be able to have someone of Kerry’s leadership, experience and passion in the Gender Equity space being part of our team delivering our master class on gender equality.

Kerry’s professional life involves supporting local government to optimise organisational and community impact by providing her wealth of expertise and experience in the areas of physical activity, sport, recreation, leisure, gender equality and organisational development.

Kerry has been guiding, advising and training many LGAs and other government agencies to meet their legislative requirements under the Vic Gender Equality Act.

She also works as part of the Rec People team as an industry expert, leading local government sector wide development through a monthly industry network for physical activity, sport, rec and leisure staff and the development and delivery of a range of professional development programs.

Building your gender lens in Local Government sport, recreation and leisure

Everybody has a role to play in making sport, recreation and leisure more inclusive and reducing barriers for people who have historically been excluded, like girls and women.

Since 31 March 2021 Gender Impact Assessments (GIA) are required on all new and reviewed policy, programs and services that have a direct and significant impact on the community. GIA ensure fair and equal access and help achieve gender equality. Our work in the sport, recreation and leisure space is overwhelmingly community focused and therefore building your gender lens is vital.

This master class will guide you through the legislative requirements of the Gender Equality Act 2020 (Vic) and the ‘How To’ of applying a gender lens specific to your work to ensure you meet and exceed GIA requirements.

We will workshop ideas, hear from LGAs that have already developed GIA in the sport, recreation and leisure space, work through scenarios and connect you up to ensure this work continues and is supported.

In this session, we aim to build individual understanding, intention and capacity to develop GIA including:

• Gender Equity & The Gender Equality Act 2020 (Vic)
• How gender impacts your work
• What is a Gender Impact Assessment (GIA)?
• The role of local government & sport, recreation and leisure in gender equality
• What other councils are doing in the gender equity space     
• How to build your gender lens and GIA – step by step
• Available tools & processes

This session is for:
• Sport, recreation and leisure leaders and decision makers
• Policies and program developers
• Recreation planners
• Open space planners

$150 per person plus GST

Online Via Zoom

Time and Date

More Professional Development opportunities

Closed Captions and Auslan Interpreters

Our Rec Ignite online industry forums, and Rec Education courses have live transcription available and we also offer Auslan interpreters on request. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require further assistance in accessing our services.

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