Leadership Development Online Course

In response to this challenging time across the sport sector and observing our Partners having to take a range of staffing measures, La Trobe University and the Centre for Sport and Social Impact would like to offer some support during this time by way of providing you and your staff access to a fully online and free of charge leadership development program delivered by our talented MBA staff and alumni, which includes the following modules:

• Leading Self
• Leading Others
• Leading for Results

The program covers the following topics:

• The way you lead and reflect on your personal leadership style.
• Determine your leadership strengths and areas for development using selected diagnostic tools.
• Identify the characteristics of successful teams and the role of followership.
• Formulate and implement creative, feasible solutions to a range of organisation/business related issues.
• Identify and analyse forthcoming challenges.
• Apply creative problem solving and critical thinking skills to provide possible solutions to a problem facing organisations.


• Assess personal and professional knowledge, skills and capabilities required to lead contemporary organisations in challenging times.
• Obtain a professional certificate of participation.
• Ability to develop your Leadership Development Plan.

Some key things to know, that you may have questions about:

There are no limits to the number of staff who can undertake the modules.
Most modules don’t require people management and staff can pick and choose what modules are most relevant for their professional development. For example staff don’t need to have had direct reports to understand ‘Leading Others’ – it also applies to being a leader more generally in the organisation or community
You and your staff can sign up at any time if you want to take up the learning opportunity – application is not time bound

If you/your staff would like to take up this offer, please complete the expression of interest form, which also includes greater detail on the modules above, the hours involved and the benefits. The MBA team will check the EOI regularly and invite any new applicants to join in the self-paced learning.

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