Rec People: Why the rapid growth?

Rec People: Why the rapid growth?

We’re pretty thrilled that both of our ‘markets’ (the job seekers and the employers) are requesting our help more than ever. Across the state, over 40 local councils have or are working with us for niche staffing solutions, and more and more ideal job seekers are looking for opportunities in recreation and leisure in the Local Government sector. As we touched on recently, this growth has enabled us to expand our business offerings, which gives us the opportunity to support more of you each day.

So, why the growth? Why now?

When it comes to jobs in Local Government, the demand for our services continues to rise due to our team’s firsthand knowledge and experience in recreation, leisure and the sports area. We pretty much have the cream of the crop over here and our team is filled with individuals with backgrounds in nearly every area of recreation and leisure, from entry level to upper management (here’s our superstar lineup).

Aside from the fact that our finger is right on the pulse of our clients and our employees, the breadth of our team allows us to get in quickly and get the job done fast. We know councils’ needs are right now! We know you don’t have time to advertise, interview and candidate check when you need support staff straight away.  We already have a tried and tested team of staff ready to jump in and help as soon as they are free. We’re proud to be able to quickly assess the ‘situation’ and offer a turn around we can brag about.

Remarkable service aside, we definitely wouldn’t be able to do it at all if it weren’t for the number of job seekers who want us to assist in their search for opportunities. We like to see them happy. As such, we emphasise advocating for employee rights and the experience our jobseekers have once they find a great match. When thinking about a placement, we  consider the type of work, the council culture, the location and remuneration.

This attention to detail is pretty fail-proof. Many of the staff we place end up accepting permanent positions at the end of their contracts. Success! Some staff choose to work in contract-based employment as their preferred method of work rather than permanent roles. It provides the flexibility and variety that many workers are now seeking in their careers.

In short, we just believe in supporting mutually beneficial arrangements. This keeps everyone we work with coming back for more.

Finally, forget a complicated getting started process! The word has gotten out that we’ve built a system that is simple. This allows councils to quickly locate talent and eliminates a lot of the stress and hassle that employees face when looking for the next opportunity.

(Who needs any of that?)

Hate paperwork and long forms? Based on our inside knowledge, we know that this part of the process can hinder a search.We’ve gone ahead and created sequences that take the hassle out. Rather than asking you to spend precious time learning new programs, we go ahead and handle the nuts and bolts behind the scenes. No new systems to learn or laborious on-boarding to suffer through. That type of task is the last thing you need in your day and we’re happy to take care of it for you.

You can also forget about long introductory conversations about expectations and hit or miss placements (that only ends with everyone going back to the drawing board, right?). Because we only hire team members that we’d be happy to work alongside (and we’ve got high standards!), when it comes to the search for a match we’ll hit the ground running.

We’re very good at matching the right person for the right job, it’s what we do, and if you’re finding it difficult we should definitely talk.

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