A trusted workforce development partner to Local Governments Australia wide, in the areas of sport, recreation and leisure

Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
Gender Equity Impact Assessments Master Class
Since 31 March 2021 Gender Impact Assessments (GIA) are required on all new and reviewed policy, programs and services that have a direct and significant impact on the community. GIA ensure fair and equal access and help achieve gender equality. Come along and learn how to sharpen your gender lens.
Date: 27 April 2022
Time 10:30 am AEST
Diversity and Inclusion Part 1
If you’re responsible for planning, designing, delivering and evaluating physical activity services, programs and infrastructure within your municipality, then this course is for you. Learn how to apply the principles of diversity and inclusion to increase participation in physical activity.
Dates: 2, 9, 16 May 2022
Time: 10:30 am AEST
Sports Development
This course is recommended for people who are responsible for supporting and developing sport and sporting clubs within their municipality.
Dates: 13, 20, 27 May & 3 June 2022
Time: 10:30 am AEST
Essential Policy Suite Master Class
Come along to this 2 hour Master Class and learn about policies that contribute to success in our space, what other LGs have done or are doing to address industry challenges through good policy and the steps you can take to get started on your policy journey.
Date: 24 May 2022
Time: 10:30 am AEST

You’re invited to Rec Ignite our Free Industry online forum
We will be exploring the topic of ‘How to Influence’
Thursday June 16 10:30am to 12.00pm AEST, Online Via Zoom
To find out more or Register your attendance Click Here

Getting a job in Local Government without Local Government experience is tough but not impossible. Alan Webb shares his journey to a job at Bayside City Council.
One of the many rewards we get at Rec People is seeing our team thrive as a result of their involvement in our business. We get a special thrill out of watching them grow and develop their skills and for many, go on and secure their dream jobs…